Friday, March 19, 2010

Covered Forba

Like it says we covered Forba today will will skip tomorrow and then breed Saturday.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

No foal for Forba

Frickin mare! Jeeze no foal! Grrr. With that vent I am glad it was her I’d rather have her not take than to have to re-breed the other two. So the luck of the Irish was not with us today. It may be because we didn’t do the chant! Ohhhhhh bad ju ju. Jerry was glad we checked her today as she is coming right back in. At first he said breed her today but then I suggested teasing her today and breeding tomorrow as I needed to clean Wynter. He said that that may work out better.

After we checked her we congregated by his truck using my calendar on my cell he looked over the other two mares preg check dates. Since we bred Mc on the 10 her 16 day check was on the 26 and we bred Marz on the 13 making her 16 day check on the 29th. This created a few problems mostly due to the weekend and shipping. We decided that it would be best to check them on Sunday the 28th. That will be a few days past Mc’s 16 day and unless she is going SUPER fast on her heat which she shouldn’t because she ‘is’ in foal than we shouldn’t miss it. We will be checking Marz a day early and it won’t make that much of a difference. I’m happy that he won’t be coming out two different times but he is now coming out on Sunday which is not a day he usually works. That sucks. I am now SUPER excited and would be anxious about him coming out except School starts back up on the 30th and I am not at all giddy to start this next quarter.

I went and rode Wynter after he left and then brought Forba in to tease and she was in heat alright, she peed everywhere! Tomorrow we breed….

Bred Marz

Jerry stopped by the barn Friday and dropped off a shot that I had to give to Marz. I know I gave it to her around one’ ish but I can’t remember the details on why I ran in gave it to her and left so fast. Weird. When I gave it to her I tossed her Halter on and then this time around I squeezed her skin. That way it wouldn’t be so harsh. She didn’t even flinch this time it was a perfect shot. Pulled her halter and tossed the used needle in the trash and left. Man I really can’t remember where I was head… I’m getting OLD.

Saturday was a LONG adventurous day. Because it was a weekend Feed won’t ship to your home, you have to go to the nearest drop location. Which for us was in Bothell! Yay not a short drive in the least. I wanted to leave very early but didn’t get around to it with horses to feed and stalls to clean. We left around noon and Jerry called me about every two hours to see where we were. In Bothell we took a wrong turn and had to back track and go threw a big business area to find the FedEx drop location. It was in the VARY back on the corner of the building. Once in there it took forever to get it. The women at the counter was having serious computer problems. It kept shutting down on her. So as we waited a few other people can in and they sat around and waited with us when the women waiting asked what was in the box. For lack of a better explanation I said ‘Sperm” which is true. The expression! Ha ha ha she nodded and then asked what kind, “Horse” she then followed that with a well I guess if they do it for humans. I found that more odd that shipping horse sperm.

We finally got it and I was able to ship beck the other box to the other breeder at the same time. Once we were on the freeway I call Jerry and told him we were on our way back and he said he’d meet me at the barn.

I was only there long enough to pick two stalls when he pulled in. He checked the box and made sure it was all there and then got some of his supplies. He pulled the sperm and it was in a zip lock type bag not a ‘zip lock’ but the sperm version. I had never seen one like that so I found it interesting. I must really entertain Jerry when I asked a million questions. He is filling the syringe and I’m look WOW. He left a little in the bag and stuffed it back in the container. He is going to check it on Monday and if it’s good then well, its really good for Marz! He stuffs the full syringe in his chest pocket and we head to Marz’s room.

We didn’t have to back her into the door way as it was just an insemination no checking anything. He tied her tail and she is such a goon about her butt being touched. When we first got her she hated it being touched it took a long time for her to be relaxed about it and here we are doing this to her. She’d clamp her tail down as hard as she could. Jerry laughed. We started by the stall door and went to the far wall and we had to push her over to about the middle of the stall with her head by her hay rack. She was not cooperating she’d either not move at all and we’d have to shove or she would go all the way to the other side. She was just not into this at all today!

I wouldn’t blame her. He inseminated her and by now Jerry and I have our own little ritual we do after. We both hover our hands above her bum and do the wax on wax off thing chanting pregnant, filly pregnant filly! Yes we are strange!!!

Now we are waiting…. And waiting….. First will be Forba then Mc and then Marz. I think I will go crazy by the time we get to Marz!

Jerry called me this morning and asked if I had school today and I said I did so he decided to just come check Forba tomorrow. Fine by me, so we will see if Forba in Prego tomorrow!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Late Update on Events

I have been very busy with school and horses so I have been slacking on the blogs.

To go back I will have to start with when I prostin them. That was fun. No one wanted to come in from the pasture. I had to chase them around and that was so un-fun! I hate that I had to actually trick Marz into coming which I have not had to do it YEARS. I swear. So I gave Mc her first as she came to me.

She is a trooper and stood still for her shot. While she ‘processed’ so to speak I caught Marz. She was pissed! She brooded and glared at me. Poking her with the needled she jumped away and my hand slipped off of the needle. When I got her to stand still I had to pull the needle back out and re-poke her which was a good thing as she drew blood. When I did it again it was fine and she jump a little but it wasn’t as bad, dramatic mare. Mc had still not started to sweat so I walked both of the mares around the big barn. My grandma came down and walked around with us. Which I thought was neat, we had a great talk.

Of course Marz broke out in a big sweat and I ended up putting Mc back and walking Marz up and down the hill a few times. She did this the last time and I was sure she would do it again I was happy Mc didn’t though.

So on Sunday Kayt and I hauled the mares up to the breeding farm after we went to a tack sale. No one was at either barns which was odd so I just took them home. Hey save me money!

Monday March 8 I hauled them over to the Breeding farm to get them checked. Tauge had a problem with one of the breeders. I like using the Equitainer as it is proven to protect the seamen better then any other shipping method. I have NEVER had any problems using one and have had horrid results using the cardboard box. I asked the breeding farm if we could use there and they said that was not a problem. I need to get a few for when I ship for Wynter. I love them. Well one farm all out refused to use it. I found that odd but whatever if they think there stallion can hold up in that container then whatever. I just hope it comes swimming ha ha.

That was news to me so we checked Mc and she was perfect right on time and ready to breed Wednesday. Wahoo. Pulling Mar out was a different story she was 2 days behind. Grr great figures problem mare. The plan was that I leave them there but Tauge just told me to take them home and bring them back. They had no room and he looked as if he didn’t want to deal with it. On top of that he was having problems figuring out who was who. Both mares look a lot alike.

Yesterday Jerry called me and said I need to give one of the mares a shot. He said he could drop it off and I can give it to her myself. Sounds perfect except I had school when he could come out and drop it off. In the end I met him in town where we made the switch! I bolted back to the barn and gave it to her and beboped to school.

Well today is so far so crazy. I woke up and had missed a call from the breeding farm. Before I could even call him back I got a call from one of my breeders. I had to talk to them about a few loose ends. When I got of the phone with them I listened to my messages and Tauge said that the seamen that was supposed to ship today was held at the FedEx Bothell depot. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I wanted to scream. So I called the other breeder and got the tracking number and called FedEx and it is due to arrive at 4:30. After that I called the breeding farm back and then called the vet twice! Crazy stuff. Breeding season can never ever go smooth I swear. When and if a season goes by and it is by the book I will flip out. Something must not be right.

I am waiting to haul the mares up there later today. Will post when we figure that one out.

Bred Mc

Ohhh I am so excited! I have so much to say what a frickin awesome time at the breeding farm. Tossed the mares in the trailer and hauled them up there and low and behold Jerry was right behind me. Because I was not sure if the seamen had come I pulled Marz out first.

She glared at me as we walked into the chute. She was pissed! We sat a chatted for a while and then Jerry checked her. He said she had grown one whole centimeter. Tauge and I busted up laughing oooooooohhh. Ha ha ha although Jerry thought it was ok she looked good she is just slower than others. Grr mare. He said collect on Friday and breed Saturday. Which now reminds me I need to cancel an appointment. Anyway I am happy but then again I will have to drive all the way to Bothell to go get it! Which is not a short drive in the least.

When she was done I played musical horses and I pulled Mc and lead her into the chute. The first thing they did was well wait I’m getting a head of myself. I noticed the shipping container had arrived when we check Marz. So when I brought Mc in they let me check the sperm on the micro scope. Ohh that was SO flippin COOOL. So neat. I am such a NERD ha ha ha.

It was just cool. Then Jerry handed me the big tube of sperm and said I get to breed her. He also joked that it I went to fast or to slow it would be my fault if she doesn’t take. I think I nervous laughed at that one. So he gets the straw in her and says plug it in. At first I couldn’t push it in and they were making fun of me. Ha ha so he pulled the straw out a bit and I was then able to push it in. Ohh I am such a hot shot now I bred my first mare via AI. Well, not all by myself but still very big step.

We also went over the list of preg check dates.

Forba’s check will be on 3-16-10
Mc’s check will be on 3-26-10
Marz’s check will be 3-29-10

Remind me to go over the rest of the day later.

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