Wednesday, March 17, 2010

No foal for Forba

Frickin mare! Jeeze no foal! Grrr. With that vent I am glad it was her I’d rather have her not take than to have to re-breed the other two. So the luck of the Irish was not with us today. It may be because we didn’t do the chant! Ohhhhhh bad ju ju. Jerry was glad we checked her today as she is coming right back in. At first he said breed her today but then I suggested teasing her today and breeding tomorrow as I needed to clean Wynter. He said that that may work out better.

After we checked her we congregated by his truck using my calendar on my cell he looked over the other two mares preg check dates. Since we bred Mc on the 10 her 16 day check was on the 26 and we bred Marz on the 13 making her 16 day check on the 29th. This created a few problems mostly due to the weekend and shipping. We decided that it would be best to check them on Sunday the 28th. That will be a few days past Mc’s 16 day and unless she is going SUPER fast on her heat which she shouldn’t because she ‘is’ in foal than we shouldn’t miss it. We will be checking Marz a day early and it won’t make that much of a difference. I’m happy that he won’t be coming out two different times but he is now coming out on Sunday which is not a day he usually works. That sucks. I am now SUPER excited and would be anxious about him coming out except School starts back up on the 30th and I am not at all giddy to start this next quarter.

I went and rode Wynter after he left and then brought Forba in to tease and she was in heat alright, she peed everywhere! Tomorrow we breed….

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