Well, I have been uber busy thus the reason I have not been blogging. I just started an 18 credit quarter at the college and well I have no time for myself any longer. I have to schedule my vet appointments around my school.
I was picking Toccatas stall when Jerry pulled up and I hurried and parked it outside. Jerry set up his station by Mcs room and I pulled her blanket and haltered her. The anticipation is killer! I swear to god! As he was palpating her I was freaking out internally. My brain was panicking what if I did something wrong. I’m the one who pushed the plunge! I know totally unpractical but still it was running no screaming threw my brain as he checked her. Ohh and Jerry is the worst vet ever!!! (Please tell me you can hear my sarcasm, he is a great vet) He was so totally quiet and then he made a tsk sounds and shook his head no. Still looking at his screen he said “Well, you owe me one Happy Dance.”
I light up so fast. “Really?” I exclaimed and nearly jumped with joy. I was so relieved! I had to pat Mc and tell her she was a good girl. She just looked at me like ahh can we be done. I went over to the screen and asked Jerry what was on it. At first I though a white spot in the black meant foal not white no foal and there was no white in the black. He told me that the black was the foal if she had no foal there would be no black. Ahh I was so relieved.
Now my nerves sky rocketed. Next was Marz. Great I thought, since Mc took that MUST mean Marz didn’t. It was just my luck my odds. I was almost banking on rebreeding her except I didn’t have that much saved. I put Mc in the cross ties and got Marz out.
Jerry did the same thing with Marz although he grew it out standing there quietly for a long time and then saying, “You own me two happy dances” I do not freak out, its not in me to screama nd jump up and down and lets all be thankful for that as I have horses. I think the last time I was that excited was when I was told we were buying Marquisse. Not a second after he told he I took a step forward leaning on Marz to see over her to the screen all the while I asked him if he was serious. He is after all big on joking. As I looked at the screen he said yes he was serious. Sure enough there it was just like Mc a black bubble.
Man it’s like I’m the one pregnant. I am so frickin excited!!! I could not believe it for the longest time. I had this glow about me, I also had a perma grin! He left and I had to go post it on face book and tell the rest of the family. Both of my AI mares took in one breeding!
Jerry and I sat and talked about everything, like how he does his breedign checks and what the breeders may want ect. He told me from his medial stand point both are presumed in foal but at 45 when there is a heart beat they are considered to be in foal. He then look at me and said “but there pregnant” ha ha. We also talked about the fact that I would love to get the ulta sound photos printed out, thus I can put them here. I also asked if he could get the dates on Mc’s last foal so that I can guess on when she may have this one.
This also changes our due date line of foaling. First Mc then Marz then Forba. I think I can live with that much better than I could with Marz last. Now watch her hold the foal an extra month ha ha ha.
Jerry came out on Monday the 5th to check Forba. He was supposed to come out at 11 but since I was in class we had to play phone tag until between me Terry and Jerry decide that he would come out when I got home from school. As he check her he was quiet like always. He said “this one like Wynter to much” I rolled my eyes seriously! No foal. I have to breed her yet again. Well, Wynter is getting his practice in! So he said to tease her tomorrow and breed her Wednesday.
So I did, we bred Forba April 7th. I always post it here so that way I can check back when Jerry asked when I covered her. No breeding today but I will try tomorrow. He told me if she was till in on Monday he wanted to see her. He also said that she is allowed 3 cycles before we have to worry. If she does not take I will not be happy. I love Forba but she does nothing but have foals for us. We trail ride her here and there but she is far from a show horse. I hate to sound harsh but if she suddenly came up infertile I would have to sell her. Everyone on our farm has a purpose. I already have Arlo that does not contribute. Toccata I have yet to decide if I would like to breed but she gives lessons so she is doing her job. Forba is a hard thing to decide on. I love her dearly and she has taught me leaps and bounds but still, lets all hope she takes this go around.
2nd Time Covering Forba & Horse Replacement
Today was great! Man he is getting this down. Ha ha ha seriously right it’s
like he need training to breed mares. First I wrapped Forba’s tail again
and th...
14 years ago
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