Sunday, February 21, 2010

Layout and Monday

Wahooo so who likes the new layout? In hopes of having a girl I went with pink. I think it is rather cute if I don’t say so myself and I hate the color pink. When the time comes I will be adding more things to the bar on the right there ------à

My Mom and I are in the process of trying to figure out a way we can set up a camera in the barn. We will then be hitting the pawn shops and cruising the internet for video cameras. My plan to put three cameras in the big barn, one for each mare. Then either set up a computer down there or run it up to my Grandparents house so that we can have live streaming video of the mares. Marestare here me come!! I don’t know if I want to put all mares on a single screen so that you can see them all at the same time or have it cycle through them every so often. Any thoughts or opinions?

I don’t think I will be able to afford having three different cameras. That is why the question came up. Since Marquisse is a maiden mare I will want to have the camera for the 6 months. If you think about it 125 is not all that much but it adds up when you do it for three mares. I’d rather save the money to buy baby things!

On another note I mentioned that we will be putting them in the big barn. If you are not familiar with our layout we have two barns one small barn which houses eight stalls. In this barn I can only pull out two walls making only two foaling stalls. So I figured I will put all the mares that are foaling in the big barn with Wynter. Here I drew you a map to show where I plan on putting them… I wanted them by a tack room just in case I needed to sleep in the barn but that creates a bunch of problems so I will just put them at the end.

Well, Jerry called me in the middle of my speech class. Luckily I had it on vibrate and was able to get out of class before 5. I ended up just calling his cell phone anyway. He is a busy guy and had to make everything clear, he does a lot of breedings! So he told me he would come out on Monday and check all of them and get this show on the road!

Since tomorrow is Sunday I’m going to pull Marz out and take some photos of her belly. I plan on taking a photo of her front the front back and the sides. I can also try and get an overhead photo of her.

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