Friday, February 26, 2010

Live Cover and an Update

I am finely posting what my papers says. Took me long enough right?

For Marquisse and Mc....

Plan to breed the week of March 8th.
Start regumate that day; Give 10cc orally once a day at about the same time.
Last dose of Regumate will be on March 4th.
March 5th Prostin shot (one for each mare). Jerry showed me where to put it and said if I draw blood move it over and inch until I d not draw any blood.
Move mares on Sunday
Jerry will check them on March 8th
Go from there.

Well, yesterday I went up to the breeding farm and talked to Tauge the breeding manager. I gave him a bribe ha ha red wine cheese and crackers so we could use his equitainers. We sat down and chatted a lot about all of it. It was great fun for me as I am so into the breeding thing. The first thing was that they have no space for our mares so they will be taken over to the neighbors ranch. We will bring them over there and they will haul them over to the breeding farm which is an all of 3 mins in the trailer to get checked and eventually bred. Tague called one of the breeders who is in our time zone and spoke with them for a time. I had to google on my cell phone the address for the other breeder along with a phone number as they were on east coast time.

He spoke for a while and we he got as much info as he thought he needed. He said he'd call the second breeder today. I will speak with Tague or Jerry after I prostin mares on the 4th. We wil them go from there. In the mean time the mares are getting the regumate and are thrilled about getting the cup of grain at night! Ahh Haflingers, they love there food. Toccata is pissed that she isn't getting some she is the porker of the farm.

As Forba goes he said to tease her until she was a level 5 on the teasing scale. So we did and today we covered Forba with Wynter. We will try again tomorrow as he was mister quick and I don't think it was all that good. If you want to know more on how that went check out his blog at

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