Sunday, February 21, 2010

Pre Breeding Photos

This morning I pulled Marz from her room and took a few photos of her before we get this breeding thing on the road. First photo, of her tied and unclipped. Thank you Tanoka for dulling every single one of my blades except for the 10’s.

Next is a body belly shot. She was not really happy about me doing this in the least. I backed way into the corner and she kept wanting to move. She finely got what I wanted and stood still just long enough for this photo. Excuse her looks... she looks rather, scruffy and flabby. Dirty pony!!! Those white marks on her back are going away thank goodness. They were from one show when my friend used her english saddle on her. They showed up the next day. Grrr but they have been fading so that is good.

Butt shot! No belly what so ever. It is going to be strange to see her all fat and prego. Dirty tail though. I was reading on a forum I am a member of, of this stuff called Goop. I heard it works really well and I am so going to try it! Off to Wallmart I go.

Front shot agin not all that thrilled about this photo session. Her foot is rested so her belly is swung out to the right or rather left. If she was standing correctly she would have no belly.

Fun shot! I am going to try and take video here and there and this was a test run. Here was the screen shot for it, I thought it was neat. Blankets are on all our guys for a few different reasons. One being most have no hair or are shedding while it is still very cold at night. Second even though it is sunny outside it is still cold out.

Here is the video.

Pulled her halter off and hit record she took off, sadly my camera is not a real camera but the video feature on my normal still camera. Thus no zoom sorry.

Tomorrow is the day Jerry is coming yay!!! I will bring my camera and maybe drag my Mom along so she can take photos. It will be a party!!

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